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Version: 1.2.6

Connect GX Cloud to Snowflake


  • You have a GX Cloud account with Admin or Editor permissions.

  • You have a Snowflake database, schema, and table.

  • You have a Snowflake account with USAGE privileges on the table, database, and schema you are validating, and you have SELECT privileges on the table you are validating.

    • Optional. To improve data security, GX recommends using a separate Snowflake user service account to connect to GX Cloud.
    • Optional. To streamline automations and improve security, you can connect to Snowflake with key-pair authentication instead of a password. Note that this requires using GX Core in combination with GX Cloud.
  • Optional. You can use an existing Snowflake warehouse, but GX recommends creating a separate warehouse for GX Cloud to simplify cost management and optimize performance.

Optional. Create a separate Snowflake user and warehouse

Depending on your Snowflake permissions, you may need to ask an admin on your team to create a separate Snowflake user for your GX Cloud connection.

  1. In Snowflake Snowsight, click Projects > Worksheets > Add > SQL Worksheet.

  2. Paste the following code into the SQL worksheet.

    Snowflake Snowsight
    use role accountadmin;
    create user if not exists gx_user password='<YOUR_PASSWORD>';
    create role if not exists gx_role;
    grant role gx_role to user gx_user;

    -- GX recommends creating a separate warehouse for GX Cloud to simplify cost
    -- management and optimize resource consumption.
    create warehouse if not exists gx_wh
    grant usage, operate on warehouse gx_wh to role gx_role;

    -- Replace <YOUR_DATABASE> and <YOUR_SCHEMA> with the names of the databases
    -- and schemas you want to test in GX Cloud.
    grant usage on database <YOUR_DATABASE> to role gx_role;
    grant usage on schema <YOUR_DATABASE>.<YOUR_SCHEMA> to role gx_role;
    grant select on all tables in schema <YOUR_DATABASE>.<YOUR_SCHEMA> to role gx_role;
    grant select on future tables in schema <YOUR_DATABASE>.<YOUR_SCHEMA> to role gx_role;
    -- Gives the user with the gx_role role access to all future tables in the defined schema.
    • Replace YOUR_PASSWORD with your value and YOUR_DATABASE and YOUR_SCHEMA with the names of the database and schema you want to access in GX Cloud.
    • grant select on future tables in schema <YOUR_DATABASE>.<YOUR_SCHEMA> to role gx_role; is optional and gives the user with the gx_role role access to all future tables in the defined schema.
    • The settings in the code example optimize cost and performance. Adjust them to suit your business requirements.
  3. Select Run All to define your user password, create a new GX role (gx_role), assign the password and role to a new user (gx_user), create a new warehouse (gx_wh), and allow the user with the gx_role role to access data on the Snowflake database and schema.

    Snowflake Run All

Connect to a Snowflake Data Source and add a Data Asset

To connect with key-pair authentication, use GX Core

To connect to a Snowflake Data Source using key-pair authentication instead of a password, do the following using GX Core:

  1. Create a Cloud Data Context.
  2. Pass your private key when you create a Data Source in the Cloud Data Context.

Then, you can use GX Cloud to add a Data Asset from that Data Source.

  1. In GX Cloud, click Data Assets > New Data Asset > New Data Source > Snowflake.

  2. Enter a meaningful name for the Data Source in the Data Source name field.

  3. Select whether you will enter your connection details as either separate Input parameters or a consolidated Connection string.

  4. Supply your connection details depending on the method you chose in the previous step. If you created a separate Snowflake user for your GX Cloud connection as recommended above, use those credentials in your connection details.

    • If you chose Input parameters, complete the following fields:

      • Account identifier: Enter your Snowflake organization and account name separated by a hyphen (oraganizationname-accountname) or your account name and a legacy account locator separated by a period (accountname.region). The legacy account locator value must include the geographical region. For example, us-east-1.

        To locate your Snowflake organization name, account name, or legacy account locator values see Finding the Organization and Account Name for an Account or Using an Account Locator as an Identifier.

      • Username: Enter the username you use to access Snowflake.

      • Password: Enter a Snowflake password. To improve data security, GX recommends using a Snowflake service account to connect to GX Cloud.

      • Database: Enter the name of the Snowflake database where the data you want to validate is stored. In Snowsight, click Data > Databases. In the Snowflake Classic Console, click Databases.

      • Schema: Enter the name of the Snowflake schema (table) where the data you want to validate is stored.

      • Warehouse: Enter the name of your Snowflake database warehouse. In Snowsight, click Admin > Warehouses. In the Snowflake Classic Console, click Warehouses.

      • Role: Enter your Snowflake role.

    • If you chose Connection string enter it with a format of:

      Snowflake connection string
  5. Click Connect.

  6. Select one or more tables to import as Data Assets.

  7. Click Add x Asset(s).

  8. Add an Expectation. See Add an Expectation.